So Metallica release their 10th studio album tomorrow. In the run-up to the actual album launch, they have been putting out video singles from the new record. While the first three, "Hardwired", "Atlas, Rise!" (my favourite so far) and "Moth Into Flame" were released on their YouTube and social media channels, for the remaining, the band is launching them as exclusives on prominent music websites.

So last evening, I caught Slash feat. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators, live in Bombay - their first gig on the India leg of the World on Fire tour - as part of MTV Indies Xtreme. Needless to say, it was all that I hoped it would be. More thoughts and pictures coming soon. In the meanwhile, here's one picture of Slash doing what he's good at.

So, unless you've been living under a stone, you would have heard that Slash is playing his first ever concerts in India next month. (Yes, I know about the time back in 1996 when he came to Bangalore and played with Indus Creed at the launch of MTV India. That was just him jamming on a couple of Guns 'N Roses songs, not a full-blown concert. That doesn't count, okay?)

Come November 7 and November 14, Slash feat.

Band: Thermal and a Quarter

Album: No Wall

Date: October 10, 2015

Buy it here on

TL;DR: Coldplay is not playing at Weekender. Promoters in India are wooing Coldplay for a gig in 2016. Chris Martin is in India for a Global Poverty Project commitment.


So unless you've been living under a rock, you already know that Chris Martin of Coldplay was in Delhi last night. (I would think he's still around in the city.)

I first came by the news when Rohan Joshi a.k.a.

ViceVersa - Blunt Force Aroma

Bangalore folk rockers Swarathma have just released this fantastic version of Rabindranath Tagore's "Ekla Chalo Re" that they created for the new season of Sound Trek on Fox Life India. This rendition sees them collaborating with Lakhan Das Baul.

Every once in a while, you stumble upon a band that manages to blow you away with the sheer energy of their music. For me, a couple of years ago, that moment was when I got introduced to Reignwolf. (Still waiting for that new album, Jordan.) One listen to the maxed-out fuzz of his guitar riffs and I was in love.

Something similar happened this morning. I was clicking through the 9,437 tabs open on my Chrome browser and I stumbled upon a music video.
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